Join Us in our mission to help the world see!
Join Us in our mission to help the world see!
Our mission is to cure blindness. Help us help the world to see.
Our mission is to cure blindness. Help us help the world to see.
We have a plan to cure blindness, improve lives, and stop the vicious cycle of poverty.
We travel to underserved areas around the globe to:
Eye Surgeons International's mission is to transform eye care in underserved areas by creating Eye hospitals and clinics that act as regional referral centers and teaching hubs. We focus on training local eye care professionals to create a self-sustaining network, eliminating the backlog of curable blindness and enhancing community health and economic conditions.
Helen Keller
ESI is a US 501(c)3 charitable corporation, and all donations are tax-deductible. EIN 93-3466097
We need volunteers of all kinds, particularly doctors, nurses and technicians with expertise in ophthalmology. Everyone is welcome and we need all the help we can get. If you would like to help, push the button below!
Your support and contributions are crucial and help us achieve our mission. With your help we will raise millions to build, staff, and endow a new teaching campus in Zambia to teach generations of eye surgeons who can cure blindness in Africa.